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【Pacific-Basin Finance Journal】台湾股市的市场动态和动量

[发布日期]:2016-07-04  [浏览次数]:

Pacific-Basin Finance Journal·Volume 38,June 2016, Pages 59–75


作者:Chaonan Lina,Kuan-Cheng Kob,Zhi-Xiang Fengb,Nien-Tzu Yang



Market dynamics and momentum in the Taiwan stock market

Chaonan Lina,Kuan-Cheng Kob,Zhi-Xiang Fengb,Nien-Tzu Yang


Prior literature widely documents that the Taiwan stock market exhibits no momentum premium. We attribute this phenomenon to the frequent transitions of the market and hypothesize that the momentum strategy can be profitable when the effect of market dynamics is taken into consideration. Confirming this notion, we document significantly positive momentum profits in Taiwan when the market continues in the same state. The momentum strategy during periods of market transitions, however, exhibits significant reversals. We provide evidence in support of the overconfidence hypothesis in explaining our findings by showing that the significantly positive momentum profit is concentrated in stocks that attract more investor attention. Further investigations show that our results are robust to the inclusion of several conditioning variables, suggesting the uniqueness and importance of market dynamics in momentum investing in Taiwan.

Keywords: Market dynamics, Momentum profits, Investor overconfidence, Taiwan stock market




上一条:【JPM】错误择时:一个从成功的投资策略中获得惨淡收益的指南 下一条:【JCF】单一经营企业的机构投资及对于对冲决定的启示
