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[发布日期]:2016-09-23  [浏览次数]:

Financial Management, Volume 45, Issue 3, Pages 675–703, Fall 2016.


作者:Mark D. Walker (North Carolina State University-Department of Business Management), Keven Yost (Auburn University-Department of Finance), Jing Zhao (North Carolina State University-Department of Business Management)



Credibility and Multiple SEOs: What Happens When Firms Return to the Capital Market?

Mark D. Walker (North Carolina State University-Department of Business Management), Keven Yost (Auburn University-Department of Finance), Jing Zhao (North Carolina State University-Department of Business Management)


Using a sample of firms that conducted multiple seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) from 1995 to 2012, we examine whether firms can build credibility for subsequent SEOs by following through on their stated use of the proceeds from earlier SEOs. We find that firms that state their intention to invest these funds in projects and those that make no such statements, but do invest have relatively more positive announcement returns around subsequent SEO announcements. Our results suggest that the markets are aware of the potential agency costs of equity, have a long memory, and update their beliefs as to the likely use of funds raised by firms.

Keywords: SEO announcements, agency costs, credibility




上一条:【RFS】个人投资者把交易当作一项有趣和刺激的赌博活动了吗?来自重复自然实验的证据 下一条:【Financial Analysts Journal】共同基金的流动性风格
