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【Pacific-Basin Finance Journal】在薪酬与盈余管理上的性别差异:来自澳大利亚首席财务官的实证

[发布日期]:2016-09-23  [浏览次数]:

Pacific-Basin Finance Journal·Volume 40, Part A·December 2016·Pages 17–35


作者:Lien Duong (Curtin Business School, Curtin University), John Evans (Curtin Business School, Curtin University)



Gender differences in compensation and earnings management: Evidence from Australian CFOs

Lien Duong (Curtin Business School, Curtin University), John Evans (Curtin Business School, Curtin University)


We investigate the impact of CFO gender on CFO compensation and earnings management in Australia. In a sample of exchange-listed firms from 2006 to 2010, we find a significant gender pay gap in CFO compensation but much of this pay gap dissipates when female CFOs are matched using a propensity scoring method. Female CFOs tend to choose less risky remuneration packages with more cash and less non-cash component, with more salary and less bonus than their male peers. In addition, female CFOs are more conservative and deliver higher reporting quality compared to male CFOs. They engage substantially less in both accruals-based and real-based earnings management than their male counterparts. The difference in behavior of earnings management and in the selected compensation structures between male and female CFOs can be possibly explained by the gender-based difference in personal risk preference.

Keywords: Chief Financial Officers, Executive compensation, Gender pay gap, Earnings management, Risk aversion, Australia




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