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[发布日期]:2016-11-01  [浏览次数]:

The Journal of Finance, Volume 71, Issue5, October 2016, Pages 2333—2370


作者:Tim Jenkinson (University of Oxford; CEPR), Howard Jones (University of Oxford), Jose Vicente Martinez (University of Connecticut)


Picking Winners? Investment Consultants' Recommendations of Fund Managers

Tim Jenkinson (University of Oxford; CEPR), Howard Jones (University of Oxford), Jose Vicente Martinez (University of Connecticut)


Investment consultants advise institutional investors on their choice of fund manager. Focusing on U.S. actively managed equity funds, we analyze the factors that drive consultants' recommendations, what impact these recommendations have on flows, and how well the recommended funds perform. We find that investment consultants' recommendations of funds are driven largely by soft factors, rather than the funds' past performance, and that their recommendations have a significant effect on fund flows. However, we find no evidence that these recommendations add value, suggesting that the search for winners, encouraged and guided by investment consultants, is fruitless.



上一条:【JPM】整体大于部分的总和吗?自下向上与自上向下的多因子组合构建策略 下一条:【JCF】朋友身在其位:政治关联对企业并购活动的影响
