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[发布日期]:2016-12-04  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Empirical Finance ·VOLUME 28· SEPTEMBER2014


作者:Martin Martens (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Arco van Oord (Erasmus University Rotterdam)



Hedging the time-varying risk exposures of momentum returns

Martin Martens (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Arco van Oord (Erasmus University Rotterdam)


Momentum returns have time-varying exposures to the three Fama and French equity risk factors. In particular factor loadings are higher when the factor returns during the ranking period are higher. In this study we look at momentum returns after hedging these time-varying exposures to the Fama and French factors. We find that specifically taking into account the conditional nature of the time-variation in factor loadings is the best way to hedge. The hedged momentum returns are higher, less risky, more stable over time and vary less over different market conditions. Determining momentum betas based on estimated individual stock betas leads to systematic biases and hence is less effective in hedging.

Keywords: Momentum; Hedging; Conditional factor model



上一条:【JFM】高频交易会增加系统性风险吗? 下一条:【JCF】收益平滑:它会加剧或约束股价崩盘风险吗?
