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[发布日期]:2016-12-19  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Corporate Finance · Volume 42, February 2017 (In Progress), Pages 247–266


作者:Francisco Santos (Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Finance)



IPO market timing with uncertain aftermarket retail demand

Francisco Santos (Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Finance)


We develop a simple model of IPO timing with uncertain aftermarket retail demand. Firms prefer to go public when they expect to exploit sentiment-driven investors' overvaluations by setting offer prices above fundamental value. However, some firms have profitable investment opportunities that require immediate financing. This generates two empirical predictions: (i) the quality of the issuers' investments and (ii) their long-run performance decrease with expected retail demand. Using average IPO first-day returns as a proxy for retail demand, we find strong empirical support for the model. First, following the IPO, issuers in low-underpricing periods become more profitable and have higher investment rates than their peers. In contrast, issuers in high-underpricing periods have similar investment rates as their control firms, but become less profitable. Second, issuers in high-underpricing periods tend to underperform in the long-run, while issuers in low-underpricing periods do not.

Keywords: Behavioral finance; Initial public offerings; Investor sentiment; Market timing



上一条:【RFS】所有权结构、有限套利和股票收益:来自股票借贷市场的证据 下一条:【JFM】IPO相关的投资者诉讼的决定因素——CEO股权激励和公司治理的影响
