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[发布日期]:2017-03-17  [浏览次数]:

Financial Management (Wiley-Blackwell). Fall2014, Vol. 43 Issue 3, pp 631-670.

作者:Louis Gagnon (Smith School of Business, Queen's University), Jonathan L. Witmer (Bank of Canada)



Distribution of Ownership, Short Sale Constraints, and Market Efficiency: Evidence from Cross-Listed Stocks.

Louis Gagnon (Smith School of Business, Queen's University), Jonathan L. Witmer (Bank of Canada)

ABSTRACT:We investigate the interplay between the distribution of ownership, short sale constraints, and market efficiency. Using minute-by-minute data during the period surrounding the short sale ban of 2008, we demonstrate that short sale restrictions cause price disparities among cross-listed stocks when ownership in the stocks is distributed unevenly across the two markets. The stocks tend to trade at a premium in the market where long sellers are relatively scarcer, which reduces the speed at which prices adjust to bad news. The premium is driven primarily by an increase on the ask side of the market where ownership is thinner, is only evident when prices are moving down, and disappears quickly.




上一条:【JBF】套利限制和特质波动:来自中国股市的证据 下一条:【JFE】分析师能够评估基本面风险和价值的不确定性吗?基于不同情景下的价值估计实证分析
