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【Financial Analysts Journal】现金流相较利润能更好地预测股票收益吗?

[发布日期]:2017-03-30  [浏览次数]:

Financial Analysts Journal·VOL73,NO.1· Jan/Feb 2016.


作者:Stephen Foerster (Ivey Business School, Western University, London, Ontario), John Tsagarelis (Highstreet Asset Management and adjunct lecturer in the Department of Economics, Western University, London, Ontario), Grant Wang (Highstreet Asset Management, London, Ontario)


Are Cash Flows Better Stock Return Predictors Than Profits?

Stephen Foerster (Ivey Business School, Western University, London, Ontario), John Tsagarelis (Highstreet Asset Management and adjunct lecturer in the Department of Economics, Western University, London, Ontario), Grant Wang (Highstreet Asset Management, London, Ontario)


Although various income statement–based measures predict the cross section of stock returns, direct method cash flow measures have even stronger predictive power. We transform indirect method cash flow statements into disaggregated and more direct estimates of cash flows from operations and other sources and form portfolios on the basis of these measures. Stocks in the highest-cash-flow decile outperform those in the lowest by over 10% annually (risk adjusted). Our results are robust to investment horizons and across risk factors and sector controls. We also show that, in addition to operating cash flow information, cash taxes and capital expenditures provide incremental predictive power.

原文链接: http://dx.doi.org/10.2469/faj.v73.n1.2


上一条:【JFM】卖空者在指数剔除时的交易活动:来自日经225指数的证据 下一条:【JFE】五因子定价模型的国际检验
