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[发布日期]:2017-04-28  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Finance, Volume 71,Issue 6,December 2016,Pages 2809-2860


作者:Darwin Choi (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Bige Kahraman (University of Oxford), Abhiroop Mukherjee (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)


Learning about Mutual Fund Managers

Darwin Choi (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Bige Kahraman (University of Oxford), Abhiroop Mukherjee (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)


We study capital allocations to managers with two mutual funds, and show that investors learn about managers from their performance records. Flows into a fund are predicted by the manager's performance in his other fund, especially when he outperforms and when signals from the other fund are more useful. In equilibrium, capital should be allocated such that there is no cross-fund predictability. However, we find positive predictability, particularly among underperforming funds. Our results are consistent with incomplete learning: while investors move capital in the right direction, they do not withdraw enough capital when the manager underperforms in his other fund.




上一条:【Pacific-Basin Finance Journal】金融新闻是否预测了股票收益率?来自穆斯林和非穆斯林股票市场的新证据 下一条:【RFS】基金流量与市场状况
