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【Pacific-Basin Finance Journal】国家文化与公司研发

[发布日期]:2017-05-10  [浏览次数]:

Pacific-Basin Finance Journal Volume 43, June 2017, Pages 173–187


作者:Yangyang Chen (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong), Edward J. Podolski (Deakin University, Australia), Madhu Veeraraghavan (T.A. PAI Management Institute, India)


National culture and corporate innovation

Yangyang Chen (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong), Edward J. Podolski (Deakin University, Australia), Madhu Veeraraghavan (T.A. PAI Management Institute, India)


In this paper, we examine how cultural norms along the dimensions of individualism-collectivism and uncertainty-avoidance affect corporate innovation. Using a comprehensive sample across 41 countries, we find that firms located in countries with higher levels of individualism generate more and higher impact patents, and are more efficient in converting R&D into innovative output. In contrast, we find that firms located in countries with higher levels of uncertainty-avoidance produce fewer and less significant patents, and are less efficient with their R&D expenditure. Taken together, our findings show that national culture plays an important role in influencing corporate innovation around the world.



上一条:【JF】为何投资新兴市场?不对称条件收益的作用 下一条:【JFE】高频交易和2008年的卖空禁止令
