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[发布日期]:2017-07-07  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Finance, Volume 72, Issue 3, June 2017,Pages 967-998


作者:Andrei Kirilenko (Imperial College London), Albert S. Kyle (University of Maryland), Mehrdad Samadi (Southern Methodist University), Tugkan Tuzun (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)


The Flash Crash: High-Frequency Trading in an Electronic Market

Andrei Kirilenko (Imperial College London), Albert S. Kyle (University of Maryland), Mehrdad Samadi (Southern Methodist University), Tugkan Tuzun (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)


We study intraday market intermediation in an electronic market before and during a period of large and temporary selling pressure. On May 6, 2010, U.S. financial markets experienced a systemic intraday event—the Flash Crash—where a large automated selling program was rapidly executed in the E-mini S&P 500 stock index futures market. Using audit trail transaction-level data for the E-mini on May 6 and the previous three days, we find that the trading pattern of the most active nondesignated intraday intermediaries (classified as High-Frequency Traders) did not change when prices fell during the Flash Crash.




上一条:【CFR】验证因子模型对市场异象的解释 下一条:【RFS】对冲基金激进主义的收益:一个国际性的研究
