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[发布日期]:2017-07-28  [浏览次数]:

Review of Finance, Volume 21 Issue 4, July 2017, Pages 1767-1804


作者:Michael S. O’Doherty (University of Missouri), N. E. Savin (University of Iowa), Ashish Tiwari(University of Iowa)



Hedge Fund Replication: A Model Combination Approach

Michael S. O’Doherty (University of Missouri), N. E. Savin (University of Iowa), Ashish Tiwari(University of Iowa)


Recent years have seen increased demand from institutional investors for passive replication products that track the performance of hedge fund strategies using liquid investable assets such as futures contracts. In practice, linear replication methods suffer from poor tracking performance and high turnover. We propose a model combination approach to index replication that pools information from a diverse set of pre-specified factor models. Compared with existing methods, the pooled clone strategies yield consistently lower tracking errors, generate less severe portfolio drawdowns, and require substantially smaller trading volume. The pooled hedge fund clones also provide economic benefits in a portfolio allocation context.

原文链接: https://academic.oup.com/rof/article-abstract/21/4/1767/2670113/Hedge-Fund-Replication-A-Model-Combination?redirectedFrom=fulltext


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