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[发布日期]:2017-07-26  [浏览次数]:

REVIEW OF FINANCIAL STUDIES·DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhx055·Published: 04 July 2017


作者:Jiaxing You(School of Management, Xiamen University), Bohui Zhang(UNSW Business School, UNSW Australia and Shenzhen Finance Institute, School of Management and Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Le Zhang (UNSW Business School, UNSW Australia)


Who Captures the Power of the Pen?

Jiaxing You(School of Management, Xiamen University), Bohui Zhang(UNSW Business School, UNSW Australia and Shenzhen Finance Institute, School of Management and Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Le Zhang (UNSW Business School, UNSW Australia)


We study how government control affects the roles of the media as an information intermediary and a corporate monitor. Comparing a large sample of news articles written by state-controlled and market-oriented Chinese media, we find that articles by the market-oriented media are more critical, more accurate, more comprehensive, and timelier than those by the state-controlled media. Moreover, only articles by the market-oriented media have a significant corporate governance impact. Subsample analyses, interviews with journalists, and a survey of university students suggest that the market-oriented media’s superior effects are explained by their operating efficiency and independence.




上一条:【Pacific-Basin Finance Journal】澳洲股票市场的特质波动率 下一条:【RAPS】崩盘规避和全球横截面股票预期收益
