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[发布日期]:2017-08-31  [浏览次数]:

MANAGEMENT SCIENCE · VOL. 63, NO. 8 · August 2017


作者:Cesare Fracassi (the University of Texas at Austin - The McCombs School of Business)



Corporate Finance Policies and Social Networks

Cesare Fracassi (the University of Texas at Austin - The McCombs School of Business)


This paper shows that managers are influenced by their social peers when making corporate policy decisions. Using biographical information about executives and directors of U.S. public companies, we define social ties from current and past employment, education, and other activities. We find that more connections two companies share with each other, more similar their capital investments are. To address endogeneity concerns, we find that companies invest less similarly when an individual connecting them dies. The results extend to other corporate finance policies. Furthermore, central companies in the social network invest in a less idiosyncratic way and exhibit better economic performance.

Keywords: corporate finance policy decisions; social networks; capital investments



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