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[发布日期]:2017-09-25  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis · Volume 52, Issue 4, August 2017


作者:Berkman, Henk (Bank of England)

Koch, Paul D. (University of Melbourne)


DRIPs and the Dividend Pay Date Effect.

Berkman, Henk (Bank of England), Koch, Paul D. (University of Melbourne)


On the day that dividends are paid, we find a significant positive mean abnormal return that is completely reversed over the following days. This dividend pay date effect has strengthened since the 1970s and is consistent with the temporary price pressure hypothesis. The pay date effect is concentrated among stocks with dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs) and is larger for stocks with a higher dividend yield, greater DRIP participation, and greater limits to arbitrage. Over time, profits from a trading strategy that exploits this behavior are positively related to the dividend yield and spread and negatively associated with aggregate liquidity.

原文链接: http://eds.a.ebscohost.com/eds/detail/detail?vid=4&sid=929fbd44-c10c-4eb6-9579-efd03331a047%40sessionmgr4007&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=edb&AN=124642504


上一条:【JFE】总波动率的波动率与对冲基金的回报率 下一条:【CAR】高管性别不同导致的薪酬差距:女性风险厌恶和董事会代表的作用
