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[发布日期]:2017-10-26  [浏览次数]:

Financial Analyst Journal, Volume 73, Issue 4, October 2017


作者:Malcolm Baker (Harvard Business School), Ryan Taliaferro (Acadian Asset Management LLC), Terence Burnham (Chapman University)


Optimal Tilts: Combining Persistent Characteristic Portfolios

Malcolm Baker (Harvard Business School), Ryan Taliaferro (Acadian Asset Management LLC), Terence Burnham (Chapman University)


We examine the optimal weighting of four tilts in US equity markets over 1968–2014. We define a “tilt” as a characteristics-based portfolio strategy that requires relatively low annual turnover. This definition forms a continuum, with small size, a very persistent characteristic, at one end of the spectrum and high-frequency reversal at the other. Unlike with low-turnover tilts, a full history of transaction costs is essential for determining the expected return of, and thus the optimal allocation to, less persistent, more turnover-intensive characteristics. The mean–variance-optimal tilts toward value, size, and profitability are roughly equal to each other and to the optimal low-beta tilt. Notably, the low-beta tilt is not subsumed by the other three.



上一条:【RFS】劳动力的异质性和资产价格:熟练劳动力的重要性 下一条:【CFR】周末效应不再存在
