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[发布日期]:2017-10-20  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial Markets·Volume 35·September 2017


作者:Amer Demirovic(Sarajevo School of Science and Technology)Department of Finance

Cherif Guermat(Centre for Global Finance, Faculty of Business & Law, University of the West of England)

Jon Tucker(Centre for Global Finance, Faculty of Business & Law, University of the West of England)



The relationship between equity and bond returns: An empirical investigation

Amer Demirovic(Sarajevo School of Science and Technology)Department of Finance, Cherif Guermat(Centre for Global Finance, Faculty of Business & Law, University of the West of England), Jon Tucker(Centre for Global Finance, Faculty of Business & Law, University of the West of England)


The correlation between equity and corporate debt is ambiguous. News affecting the value of a firm's assets induces a positive correlation, whereas an increase in the volatility of a firm's assets induces a negative correlation. We examine the conditional correlation between these two securities. While the average correlation is positive, the conditional correlation increases with credit risk, and decreases with equity volatility. Our results are consistent with the thesis that the equity bond relation is dependent on the potential wealth transfer between stock and debt holders. Nevertheless, this relation seems to break down during periods of extreme market uncertainty.

Keywords:Equity-bond correlation, Distance to default, Equity volatility



上一条:【JPM】IPO:从发行第三年开始 下一条:【CAR】分析师报道和达到或超过分析师预测的可能性
