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【Pacific-Basin Finance Journal】高成交回报溢价存在于中国股市吗?

[发布日期]:2018-01-08  [浏览次数]:

Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Volume 46, December 2017


作者:Peipei Wang (Deakin University, Australia)

Yuanji Wen (University of Western Australia, Australia)

Harminder Singh (Deakin University, Australia)



The high-volume return premium: Does it exist in the Chinese stock market?

Peipei Wang ( Deakin University, Australia) , Yuanji Wen (University of Western Australia, Australia), Harminder Singh (Deakin University, Australia)


In this paper we examine the information content of extreme trading activity in the Chinese stock market. We find that zero-investment portfolios that are constructed by buying high-volume and selling low-volume stocks do not generate positive returns (high-volume return premium), which is apparent in developed markets. In contrast, we find that there is a high-volume return discount in speculative stocks (i.e., small-cap stocks, stocks with low institutional ownership and stocks with low analyst-coverage). These stocks tend to have a high degree of over-valuation in the short term followed by a relatively low return. In support, we find a larger discount in the winners group than in the losers group.



上一条:【RFS】扭结在哪里?消费增长的“失望事件”和均衡资产价格 下一条:【JBF】吸收能力,技术溢出与横截面股票收益
