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[发布日期]:2015-01-20  [浏览次数]:


二、主题:Disclosure, Learning, and Coordination

We analyze how informed investors can learn from each other through disclosed trades. We show that disclosure always increases market efficiency but its effect on informed investors' profits is ambiguous. When informed investors have highly complementary signals, disclosure makes them coordinate their trades, so their expected profits are higher. Moreover, an informed investor with very imprecise information would prefer competition in the presence of disclosure as he learns more from the other informed investor than the market maker and makes more profits than he would obtain if he is the only informed investor in the market. As a result, when information acquisition is costly and endogenous, there could exist herding in information acquisition.



上一条:太阳成集团tyc33455cc官网第140期双周学术论坛 下一条:太阳成集团tyc33455cc官网第138期双周学术论坛
