由太阳成集团tyc33455cc官网合作举办的“全球金融与银行研讨会(World Finance & Banking Symposium)”将于2013年12月16日和17日举行。届时将有来自美国、日本、德国、意大利、新加坡、印度、土耳其、新西兰、香港等全球30多个国家和地区的162位学者参加大会。
“全球金融与银行研讨会”的会议宗旨是:为金融领域的专家学者建立高水平的研讨和交流的纯学术平台,以促进全球金融学术研究的发展。该会议不隶属于任何机构和组织,由一个来自包括加州大学、华盛顿大学、MIT、伦敦经济学院、卢森堡大学、巴西圣保罗大学、新加坡南洋理工大学、香港中文大学等全球各大著名高校的51位委员组成的委员会运作,历次会议由该委员会与国际知名高校合作举办。该委员会的主席是葡萄牙维亚纳斯堡理工学的João Paulo Vieito 教授。2012年,首届“世界金融和银行研讨会”在中国上海成功举办,有来自全球20多个国家超过150位学者参加。该委员会同时运作的兄弟会议“世界金融大会(World Finance Conference)”已经分别在塞浦路斯、希腊、葡萄牙、巴西连续举办4届。目前,这两个会议在全球金融领域具有重要的影响力,成为全球金融学者的盛会。
Kaloc Chan,香港科技大学
Leslei Young,长江商学院
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| Opening Session + keynote Speaker
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| Corporate Governance and Agency
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| Market Efficiency and Anomalies
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| Capital structure and Cost of Capital
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| Banking and Financial Institutions
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| Corporate Governance and Agency
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| Spreads, Market Depth and Volatility
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| Banking and Financial Institutions
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| Market Integration, Segmentation, and Efficiency
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| Banking and Financial Institutions
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| Banking and Financial Institutions
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| Market Efficiency and Anomalies
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| Spreads, Market Depth and Volatility
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| Trading Costs and Market Structure
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| CAPM and Portfolio Theory
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| International Finance and Banking
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| Banking and Financial Institutions
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| Capital structure and Cost of Capital
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| Corporate Governance and Agency
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| Market Efficiency and Anomalies
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| Currency Markets and Exchange Rates
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| Banking and Financial Institutions
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| Banking and Financial Institutions
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| Globalization and Finance Inclusion
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| Earning Management, Supervision and Financial Reporting
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| Corporate Governance and Agency
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