一、主题:Source of individual volatility risk premium:empirical results and theoretical models
二、主讲人:李通,太阳成集团tyc33455cc官网2010级金融工程2班本科生,太阳成集团tyc33455cc官网第一期卓越学术人才培养项目入选者,终期答辩获得二等奖。现保送至北京大学汇丰商学院“北京大学经济学-新加坡国立大学金融工程学双硕士项目”。大学期间,曾获得学业优秀奖学金、学术科研奖学金、骋望奖学金等,曾主持一项北京市级大学生科研创新项目。2012年获得美国大学生数学建模竞赛一等奖。2013年受邀参加世界金融学与银行学研讨会(World Finance &Banking Symposium 2013)并进行论文宣讲。
This paper examines the determinants of individual volatility risk premium. Using panel data analysis on 1022 stocks, we show a set of firm-specific variables can jointly account for 31.16% of it. It is higher for small and low priced firms, less liquid options, more liquid stocks. We find market volatility risk premium can significantly explain this premium even after controlling firm-level characteristics. We also prove that models either with or without jumps can help interpret individual volatility risk premium.